THE NATIONAL INTEREST: Venezuela’s Dictator Stole from this Company. Now, America’s Government is Stopping Justice From Being Served

Since the sad days of the Chavez regime, the Venezuelan people have had to deal with wanton expropriations and confiscation of their hard-earned property. Dictator Hugo Chavez would tour Caracas, the capital city, pointing his finger at stores and buildings directing his staff to take them over from their rightful owners. Thousands of companies both small and large, foreign and Venezuelan, were wiped out of existence as the Venezuelan government took them over and ran them to the ground.

Finally, one of the victims of the robberies of Venezuela’s late dictator Hugo Chavez—mining company Crystallex—is getting its day in court. But the U.S. Treasury Department is standing in its way. For the sake of property rights across the globe, the Trump administration must allow justice to be served.

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